Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Is it bad that I have no sympathy for this person?

An acquaintance of mine relatively frequently gets herself drunk. She ends up losing things, and ends up being upset the next day about what happened. Yet she still decides to go out the next week, and get drunk, and ends up losing things and gets upset.

The most recent thing she has done has resulted in her losing her passport, and while her friends are lending sympathy towards her. I have none. I don't have any sympathy for her in this situation. She's done this God knows how many times before, and should have learnt by now.

Is it bad that I have no sympathy for the fact she's upset because of this latest drunken mishap?Is it bad that I have no sympathy for this person?
Maybe you're a cold hearted person but understand that she can easily get a new passportIs it bad that I have no sympathy for this person?
People do stupid crap and they just don't care to change themselves. You shouldn't feel bad about her. If it was me I'll just roll my eyes.Is it bad that I have no sympathy for this person?
I feel sad she has no real friends. I bet their all using her and you just let it happen huh.

Some people even though it is none of your business need an adult to tell them what they are doing wrong.

Maybe you could be that friend to her, tell her about what you think of her and how she is worth more than the persona she projects, no one wants to be stupid drunk unless they have problems in their life.
no it's not bad,she is stupid it's her fault i wouldn't have sympathy for her too

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