Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Is it possible I have aspergers syndrum and haven't even known?

I am a 14 year old boy. I have been having incredible painful headaches for the last 2 years. They are migraine and sharp headaches. I have them mostly every day. It would be very rare for not to have a headache every day. I see things different from everyone else. I mean I see the environment around me like everyone else, but when I focus on something I see all these crazy ideas about it. Not as if they make sence but I think of thousands of questions of the scientific origin of something that only make sence to me but if I told them to someone else they would just think I am crazy. I hate talking out loud so i talk inside my head and i always think about how i hate the whole human race. At first i though i had 2 personalities but then i figured i have one personality that is somewhat broken. I was wondering if I have something like aspergers syndrum. I always want to tell someone but then its like my other side of me makes me not tell anyone because i know it will just ruin my entire life because people will worry and change my life. I hate change. Then I know this sounds crazy but every important decision i make its like I have a whole council of different me's that have differnet roles and jobs in my brain. And i can see them and they vote about this decision, thats why i am extreamly good at predicting thins. I wanted to get some intel about what this mean, and what i should do? Also I can estimate and predict things even if i don't understand why? Some medical inputs would be nice. Ps. even if i told my parents most likely they would not believe me, and don;t say i should ask them anyway because you don't know them. I don't think i should tell my school councelor because then they might change something about my educational career. So who do i ask???????????? Should I tell someone about my problem, who??Is it possible I have aspergers syndrum and haven't even known?
Hi, you answered my question about dyslexia, and asked if I could answer yours:)

Wow鈥?we sound a lot alike you were right鈥o one at all can read my handwriting it is awful- i can hardly read it myself it mostly looks like i scribbled on the paper! Half the time, and this may sound stupid but i will look at a random page in a book, and not wonder what the book is about but what font was used to write it and how many othere books probably used that font鈥?yea, weird I know. Its not just that, but what your saying sounds really familiar to me. So, I don't think you are crazy. I talk inside my head too, but this is really weird also, i speak in my head with commas. I will think "I have to get salad comma eggs comma and milk today" because if i was writing it there would be commas in those places so believe i don't find that odd either. I am also unable to relate to anyone my age and people in general, so i am really socially awkward an practically unable to carry a conversation, because unless a direct question as asked i won't respond... I sort of feel the same way about telling people, because usually people with dyslexia are put into the "special" classes and i do not want that to happen to me. As for the little counsel thingy in your head, That could be a good thing, and most likely it means that you are weighing the good and bad of everything which admittedly i do sometimes as well. I doubt my parents would believe me either, but they would probably be the best people to tell first and if they don't then tell the counselor. You should probably tell someone, but i should too, and i don't want to be a hypocrite鈥?You could have milder aspergers syndrome, and it could have gone undetected, but it is nice to know that someone else is sort of dealing with the same thing as me:)
Ps. LOL i posted my dyslexia question 3 times:PIs it possible I have aspergers syndrum and haven't even known?
Yes, you will no if you have no feelings at all then you have it sorryIs it possible I have aspergers syndrum and haven't even known?
I am a teacher for students with autism and aspergers syndrome (which is a form of autism). There are so many different ways that people exhibit these disorders that it would be difficult to tell you for sure if you have this from your post. That being said, you do exhibit many of the characteristics that I see in students. The fact that you feel so different and so isolated from others is definitely a symptom. I would talk to your school counselor about it. There is absolutely no reason for him/her to change your current educational path. You have shown that you have a self-awareness that you have used to circumvent many of your barriers. What should happen is that he/she has some testing done. If you do have some sort of autism, you will qualify for some additional help if you would like it. I know it is a scary and difficult thing to discuss, so I want to tell you that I am proud of you for posting this. If your counselor isn't someone that you feel comfortable talking to, please talk to one of your teachers about it. It is something that will impact the rest of your life, and it can be a relief to you to find out that your problems have been a result of aspergers. Please talk to someone! You also should know that there are many successful adults that have some form of autism. People with any form of autism learn and see the world differently. Remember that different is not a bad thing, it is just your own way of seeing and doing things. In fact, many people with aspergers are extremely intelligent.
Instead of repeatedly posing the question here, please be persistent in getting your parents to take you to the doctor to address the migraines. If your personality changes have only been in the last few years when you've had migraines and/or severe headaches then it is not Aspergers. Aspergers is not something you develop later in life - it's something you're born with and becomes evident within the first few years of life.

As I've said before, chronic pain can do very strange things to your mental capacity and personality. Treat the headaches before even considering any other underlying conditions such as aspergers.

If your parents are taking you seriously, talk to another adult you trust such as a teacher or other relative. You need to have your headaches addressed by a doctor.

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