Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why did God rest on the seventh day of creation? What is the significance of it? Is only for the Jews?

Genesis 2:1-3

"1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

2And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

Exodus 31:17

"It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed."

Exodus 20:8-11

"8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

9Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

10But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

11For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

Check out this video:

A Day to be Remembered

"In this intriguing lecture, the creation week is presented emphasizing the relationship between the Creator and the creation answering question such as : Who is the Creator? What is the significance of the seventh-day of creation and what impact does it have on our lives today? Was the seventh day a Jewish institution or did ir originate in Eden? An in-depth rediscovery of the day of rest."…

John 14:15

"If ye love me, keep my commandments."

By the way, why is most of christianity keeping the first day of the week as the sabbath? Interesting. Here are some quotes:

“Question - Which is the Sabbath day?

Answer - Saturday is the Sabbath day.

Question - Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?

Answer - We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 364), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.” Peter Geiermann, C.S.S.R., The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, p. 50, 3rd edition, 1957.

“Perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change the Church ever did, happened in the first century. The holy day, the Sabbath, was changed from Saturday to Sunday. ’The day of the Lord’ was chosen, not from any direction noted in the Scriptures, but from the (Catholic) Church’s sense of its own power...People who think that the Scriptures should be the sole authority, should logically become 7th Day Adventists, and keep Saturday holy.” St. Catherine Church Sentinel, Algonac, Michigan, May 21, 1995.

Well, according to the Catholic church, Sunday is their day of worship. If you're not Catholic, why are you keeping it? Simple question. (this isn't really the main question I'm asking. I'd like to know what you think about the video above.)Why did God rest on the seventh day of creation? What is the significance of it? Is only for the Jews?
The word translated “rested” in our English Bibles in Genesis 2:3 is actually “shabath” in the Hebrew and means Sabbath! Here is the word Sabbath right at creation and proves it existed before sin and is part of God's perfect plan.

Exodus 31:17 says, “It is a SIGN between me and the children of Israel FOR EVER: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the Seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.”

Let's break this verse into two parts for clarity.

The first part of Exodus 31:17 says, “It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever:”

The Sabbath is a sign forever WHY?


“ six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.” Exodus 31:17.

Here is why the Sabbath exists forever and even more conformation when God made it. Not that His Words were not clear in Genesis, but it seems those fighting the obvious truth need it explained simpler than what a child could understand!

So the above covers some of the lies from Hogie.

Hogie kept the Sabbath for 25 years before he found he was in a cult and got hurt. This is why he has all these lies and abuses of scripture here. He has gone to town on your question because you have proposed a threat to his deception and because you are revealing to much challenging truth.

Here are the others exposed.

Hebrews 8:10 says the New Covenant was ONLY made with Israel so if you are not Israel then you are out in the cold altogether! Thankfully Romans 9:6-8 and Galatians 3:28-29 say that if we are Christ’s then we are Israel.…

Hebrews 8:10 “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of ISRAEL after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:”

The Lord's Sabbath cannot be a shadow of anything as the shadows Paul spoke are what was instituted because of sin. These were Passover for instance which was a shadow of the crucifixion and Day of Atonement. Colossians 2:16, Galatians 4-9-10 and Romans 14:5 ALL refer to the sacrificial ceremonial law, not the Ten Commandments! Anyone quoting these scriptures does not know the difference between a sacrificial law and a Moral.

As for the man he mentions. One does not base Biblical truth on some man but by the Word of God. There are over 550 different Sabbath keeping denominations and growing that know this truth and they could not care less what this man says.…

So to quote you Hogie, you are setting up a straw-man argument; a logical fallacy.

Jesus is quoting from the second of the Ten Commandments with John 14:15 so to quote you again, why do you resort to these methods that are commonly used to foster deceptions and lies?

There are hard facts of Scripture that, if someone does not believe them JUST because you got hurt, that they resort to these methods of deception in order to circumvent them as you have done here many times such as not part of the NC? Not so again.

God said He found fault with the Old Covenant. But what was the fault? God said they would not obey His law. So what did God do with the New Covenant? God said He would write His law in our hearts. God did not say He would write some of His law either. He said HIS law meaning all of it!…

The above on when the Sabbath was instituted exposes your next lie.

And Paul said that being dead to the law and not being under the law does not allow you to continue in sin. You have abused scripture again.

This very deceived man has even gone as far as saying Jesus has sinned many times and His healing on the Sabbath was evil. Please pray for the very lost and deceived soul.
God rested on the seventh day of creation as an example to mankind to also rest every seventh day and remember and worship the Creator.Why did God rest on the seventh day of creation? What is the significance of it? Is only for the Jews?
"Adam and Eve kept the Sabbath day."

Where is your proof of this? What work did they do in the Garden of Eden that would require rest from?
In stillness and rest we can express our gratitude for the wonderful earth we have and the people we have to share it with. Gratitude makes us happier.Why did God rest on the seventh day of creation? What is the significance of it? Is only for the Jews?
Simply because god was created by humans and acts just like one.
Sadly he sobered up on the 8th day but it was too late!
It is by example what we are to do also. We are to keep the 7th day Holy and worship him.
The Bible says God is still in his Day of Rest; so we are still in the 7th Day. The days in Genesis 1 are not 24 hour days, but are periods of time. The 6 days have "and there was evening and morning, the _ day. The 7th day does not have the evening and morning; so it has not ended.

Evening comes before morning of the same day so these are not ordinary and mean something else.
I do not need to watch your video. I already have the truth. We are still living in God's day of rest. It will also include the 1000 year reign of Christ. At the end of that time, he will turn the kingdom back over to God.

The sabbath that was given to the Israelites was symbolic of the coming of Jesus as were many of the Mosaic laws. It is no longer necessary to keep the sabbath, as Jesus illustrated at one time. As Christians, we are working for our sabbath or day of rest which will be the 1000 year reign of Christ.

The Catholic church does not determine God's will. He has already made it clear in the bible. Unfortunately those who do not keep His commandments are not allowed to understand the bible.
At the time of creation there were no Jews. There was only mankind. And Jesus said the sabbath was created for man. We need a day to rest and reflect only on God. We need a day to stop work. The sabbath day has never changed, what has changed is that we choose to worship on Sunday because that is the day Jesus our Lord rose from the grave. But that does not take away from the fact that the Sabbath starts on friday at sundown until saturday at sundown.
A nun once told me that to the best of her Catholic training, Saturday IS the day of rest but Sunday is the day to worship Jesus because he was resurrected on a Sunday (Easter.)

The Sabbath is for all people. We must all have a day of rest.

The Romans, by the way, took Sunday for their day of rest.
there is no specific day of worship, we should worship God everyday! the Sabbath was part of the law for Israelites, once Jesus comes and gives his life for us, we are no longer under that law, but under faith and mercifulness from god, and the harsh laws they used to follow are replaced by Jesus's teachings
I just want to ask what kind of god gets tired? I guess the false one.
First, you are confusing God's rest with the weekly sabbath that was established and given to the Israelites in Exodus 16, as incorporated into the old covenant.

God's rest is entered into through faith as attested to in Psalms 95 and Hebrews chapter 4, and contrasted to the weekly sabbath (sabbaton) which was but a shadow (Col. 2:16-17) of God's rest (sabbatismos).

Second, you are confusing "rest" with "worship" which is what Sunday was established for by the early NT church. Even the SDA theologian, Samuele Bachhiocchi stated that the early church was exclusively observing Sundays for this by the year 140 AD, long before any declaration by the Catholic church in 364, at which time their area of influence was strictly in and around Rome. Their claim is nothing more than an attempt to set themselves up as the sole authority within Christianity.

So, you are setting them up as a straw-man argument; a logical fallacy.

You also site John 14:15, making the assumption that Christ's commandments for Christians include old covenant commandments; another improper method of evidence.

So, if sabbath keeping were indeed required of Christians, why do you resort to these methods that are commonly used to foster deceptions and lies?

There are hard facts of Scripture that, if someone does not believe them, they resort to these methods of deception in order to circumvent them.

Christians are not a party to the old covenant, and that covenant ended.

The weekly sabbath was not instituted at creation. God's rest was, and that day shows having no end. We can enter into God's rest while it is still called "To day" through faith; something the Israelites could not do, yet they did have, and did enter into the weekly shadow sabbath.

Christians are dead to the law.

Christians are not under the law.

You therefore are unwittingly attempting to bring Christians back under the bondage of the old covenant sabbath, contrary to the instructions of the apostle Paul in places like Galatians 5:1. In Acts 15, it states that to teach the law; any of it, to non-Jewish Christians is to subvert their souls. Do you really want to stand before God, accused of, and found guilty of subverting the souls of others?

Why did God rest on the seventh day of creation?

rest means inactivity

it does not mean sleeping because of exhaustion

What is the significance of it?

god did no normal activity on the sabbath

Is only for the Jews?

yes it was for the jews only

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