Saturday, March 10, 2012

I had risky sex at least 5 years ago and never again until now, if I got an STD what could the symptoms be ?

About 5 years ago I had risky sex, I had sex with a boy, I penetrated him several times. We were both kids, literally, he was a childhood friend and when we became teens he seemed to have gay tendencies and he wanted to do things. I guess he convinced me and well I had sex with him several times, always me penetrating him. Now I regret it, I wish I hadn't done that.

When I grew older I realized it wasn't ok and I said "not anymore" and I never had sex ever again until now, my early 20s with a girl on a monogamous relationship.

I never got an std test. When I had sex for the first time with my girlfriend we got caught in the heat of the moment (Ironically I was going to pick up some blood tests the next day and she couldn't wait, it was both "first" time).

I've thought about it and I know it sounds bad that if I got something I might have given it to her, I know I really wanted to wait.

The main thing here is: I spent several years abstaining myself from sex, at least 5 I'd say from the last time... I assuming he gave me something, what could it be ? and by this I mean if I really got something, wouldn't I have shown some symptoms after so long ? cus I mean in 5 years you got to show at least an itchy square centimeter of skin right ? I don't think I've ever gotten anything.

I don't know how many stds there are but do you know of any that can take so long before showing any kind of symptoms ? if so, what are this symptoms ? maybe I'm looking for the wrong stuff.

Is there any non curable std that could take this long showing no symptoms or that maybe don't show any symptoms at all ?

I've pondered the situation and on one hand we were both young so most likely he hadn't done it with anyone else yet, I have no way to know, I have no contact with him anymore and I don't want to have it either. On the other hand (and I know this sounds bad) when I first penetrated him it went in easily and apparently painless for him which makes me think he might have had done it before me.

Anyway, is there any std (curable and non-curable) that could take this long before showing symptoms or that fits this situation (no symptoms at all) that I should be aware off ? or do you think that I'm being extra paranoid and that if I've felt fine all this time is because I'm fine ?

Note: The only thing I've ever noticed are this little dots on my penis, really small dots on the body, a bit whiter than the rest of the skin. And also small dots on my gland that look like little bubbles. This is one of the reasons why I've been concerned but I'm confused because even when I was a little child I had this thing on my skin that looked like dots and bubbles, even before I knew how to make babies. I had this things on my fore arms and hands, the doctor said I had it on my blood, that I was born with it and that they would come out every time I was stressed. One of those congenital things. I also read about the bubbles on my gland (trying to find out if they could be symptoms for any std) and basically all I found was that apparently most man grew something like that on the tip of their penis at some point of their lives and that they were some sort of glands that produced oils. Basically I read that it was natural, I even saw some pictures but in those pictures those "bubbles" looked like acne, they were pretty big compared to what I see on my penis, but again it is hard enough to find a picture of a penis with that condition let a long pictures of all the stages. So I'm confused :/ is it that my congenital conditons simply spread to other parts of my body ? is it just the natural glands growing on my penis still on an early stage ? is it a symptom of an std ?

I'm pretty confused and concerned, I'd put a picture here if I could.

Thanks for your helpI had risky sex at least 5 years ago and never again until now, if I got an STD what could the symptoms be ?
the bubles that you describe could be herpes but there is really no way to tell unless you get an std test...try looking up pictures online of herpes and see if they look simaler to the bubbles that you have if they look simalar i would go get a test.
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