Sunday, March 4, 2012

My friend copies off my homework everyday. What should I do?

My friend copies off my math homework everyday. The first couple of times I can understand, but she has been doing it every day! She doesn't even do it at all! I told her to stop and to do it herself, and she agrees and says I promise to do it myself tomorrow, but she still doesn't do it! What should I do?My friend copies off my homework everyday. What should I do?
I had this and its really easy to resolve. "You won't have me in the test" just cover your work and try and get your friend bsed into a question by the teacher they will soon relize there problem!

Its not so much you telling them they have a problem its more them relizing, if you have to ask your teacher to ask your friend alot more.
Do not let her have the homework to copy, or do not let her see your answers if she is just peeking at them. Simple.My friend copies off my homework everyday. What should I do?
Tell her you didn't do yours today.
Stop giving her your homework. She can't cheat unless you let her. If she complains, then she's a crappy friend you should just stop talking to her. If the teacher ever catches on, you will go down with her.My friend copies off my homework everyday. What should I do?
HAHAHA Some kid was doing this to my brother, this is what he did and it worked: you notice the person copying your work, so you write the wrong answer on purpose, (Or random words) then they will copy that down, but then, when they are not looking erase the wrong answer and write the right answer:) my brother got the A, and the other got a D :D
My friend does the same exact thing, until I realized that she needs to stop and do her own work. Instead of giving your friend the answers, help her out with the questions and give her hints to the right answer.
You can try some romantic tips and collection on my blog鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Do a crap job on it so she fails when she copies you.
The same thing happened to me. My friend has been copying off my hw in 6 classes for every day of every marking period! Eventually, I just told her to stop, and when she didn't I just said that I forgot it too. (Even though I really didn't) Then, she stopped! She was just using me. If your friend isnt helping you as well, then shes not really a friend. Shes just using you for her own benefit. Do what I did andtrust me, she'll stop!
make a fake homework which has mostly the wrong answers

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