Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is it bad for a 18 guy to date a 15 year old girl?

Ok so my friend he was 18 but he just turn 19 and so he s dating a girl that s 15 but the thing is she just have a late b day i mean i know what people are gonna say that he s bad for dating her but i known him alll my life and he has good intentions and she s scared of him getting in trouble and he wants to break it off because they live in seperate states she in chi n him two states away in the tx but he doesn't know what to do cause he tried to break it off but she would cry and he doesn't want her to cry and he loves her and he said he would wait for her to graduate high school so plz help thnxIs it bad for a 18 guy to date a 15 year old girl?
I know a girl who is in 8th grade and dating a junior! So noIs it bad for a 18 guy to date a 15 year old girl?
he is an adult and she is a child in the eyes of the law ......any sex and he could go to jailIs it bad for a 18 guy to date a 15 year old girl?
he can be accused of statutory rape and be arrested. yes very bad
I'm 19 and I am not interested in 15 year olds. In fact, my boyfriend is 23.

He may be a good guy, but does he really need to be dating a 15 year old?

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