Sunday, March 4, 2012

What is going on......Does she not want to talk to me anymore......PLEASE ANSWER ASAP THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!?

Here's the story: There is this girl that I really want to become friends with but she lives 2,300 miles away. I've been talking to her on Twitter because I know who she is but I don't personally know her. I KNOW she's not a stalker or anything like that either but it's a long story so i'll just leave it at that.

Almost 2 weeks ago I asked her what her hobbies are but I said she didn't have to say if she didn't want to.

When she replied she told me and then asked me what mine are.

I told her what my hobbies are and then she said we have a lot in common and I should tell her more about my life.

I told her a few things about my life and then she asked me if I had texting.

I said I do have texting but I only have 1000 messages a month but I only use like 200 at most. Then a day later I asked her if I could have her number so I could text her.

She asked my if she added me on facebook.

I said no she didn't.

She hasn't replied yet but it always takes her a few days to reply. She also hasn't replied since last Thursday. Do you think she will reply? Where it left off there is nothing for her to really reply to is there?

Before all of the stuff I mentioned above we talked a little about:

Favorite bands/songs by them.

favorite movies

The area where each other lives (area not addresses)


(1) What did she mean when she asked me if I have texting and what did she mean when she said I should tell her more about me life? Someone said that she was testing me to see what kind of person I am. Is this true? Why did she ask if I have texting if I can't even text her?

(2) She asked if I had texting and I said I did and when I asked if I could have her number she asked if she added me on facebook (She still never sent a friend request or anything). Did she ask about facebook to change the subject because she didn't want to give me her number or did she want to be friends on there?

(3) Do you think that she will reply back to me anymore if she hasn't since last Thursday? She has also tweeted a lot since then. I answered the questions SHE asked and then I haven't heard from her since then. What is going on? SHOULD I JUST ASK HER WHAT'S UP OR SHOULD I ASK HER ANOTHER QUESTION ABOUT HER? Will I sound needy or desperate if I ask her questions like that?

I'm 16 and she is 18. I don't want to date her or anything, I only want to be friends with her.

It was me who started talking to her in the first place.

DON"T EVEN SAY I WANT TO DATE HER BECAUSE I DON"T! I ONLY WANT TO BE FRIENDS! She is a really awesome person so i'm not going to forget about her either. Also all of this was through direct messages and not where anyone can see it so it's safe.

ONLY SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE AND THANK YOU SO MUCH!What is going on......Does she not want to talk to me anymore......PLEASE ANSWER ASAP THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!?
You have an interesting problem, but I'll do my best to help you. :) Ok so I will try and answer your questions now:

1) She probably wanted to know if you have texting so you guys could text, and it was probably her trying to be nice so she wouldn't make you go over your texting limit. And She might have wanted to know more about your life so she could see if you have more in common. I really don't think she's testing you, she probably wants to get to know you. And she might give you her number if the future, so just let the texting thing sit for a while. Also, she might not want to post her number openly on Facebook.

2) Like I said before, she might not want to post her number on Facebook so the whole world can see. She most likely wasn't trying to change the subject either. And instead of waiting for her to send a friend request to you, why not send one to her? And if you already did and she didn't respond yet, just wait and she probably will after she gets to know you better.

3) There is still a good chance that she will reply, especially if it usually takes her a few days to get back to you. If she has tweeted since last Thursday, it might be because she has been on Twitter, and not Facebook since then. And if she answered all your questions and then stopped answering you, she could have just been using you. But if not, she could just be a busy girl. If I was you, I wouldn't contact her anymore until she responds. Also, you might have come on too strong with all the questions.

Also, be careful what you put online because identity theft stalkers thrive off of stuff like that. Don't put too much personal info on there (sorry for sounding like a total mom, I'm only 15).

I hope everything works out for you! Best of luck!What is going on......Does she not want to talk to me anymore......PLEASE ANSWER ASAP THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!?
Your welcome!

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What is going on......Does she not want to talk to me anymore......PLEASE ANSWER ASAP THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!?
Try asking her why she hasn't replied and if she still doesn't reply then you shouldn't worry about it. If she wants to talk to you, she will. She's probably busy.
I'm really sorry but.. Why are you so desperate? I personally don't like people that much so I stick myself and pass on social networking sites.. :/

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