Sunday, March 4, 2012

Valentines? Is he b.s'n me?

My bf is conviently getting his car fixed the day after vday %26amp; can't see me until after.

What can I do to ensure myself hes not spending it with someone else?

Should I pop up on him that night? Call him all that day a night? Or what?

Is it weird that he can't get to me on vday or am I being to sus suspect?

What u guys think?Valentines? Is he b.s'n me?
It's very weird that he can't get to you then...but I say this speaking from the girl's point of view. How long have the two of you been together? There are many reasons for why he can't go see you for valentines day, and I really hope he's not bullshitting you! From your little icon pic, you're pretty and deserve to be spending the night with somoene special. I hope he's not jipping you out of a valentine's for no good reason.Valentines? Is he b.s'n me?
Hmmm he cheating!

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