Sunday, March 4, 2012

What would be a great gift to get her on Valentines day?

I've only gone on three dates with her and the Chemistry is definitely there. We only go out on Fridays since we both work and go to school but we spend several hours together on Fridays. I'm going to see her again today for the 4th time and we are going to her Church since her father is a Pastor and I already asked her to be my Valentine and she said she would love to be my Valentine. I met her Father, Mother, and siblings on the second date and they liked me after having a two hour conversation. We truly share a deep connection already and she constantly tells me she misses me and thinks about me all the time. I'm thinking of asking her to be my girlfriend on Valentines day. We have not kissed yet since I tend to take things slowly and she is shy when we go out. We have only hugged yet our feelings have grown so quickly towards each other.

Im 21 and she is 19. What can I get her since we can't say we love each other yet and we have not kissed yet. She is training for a marathon. she is vegan, she loves the piano as do I. I was thinking of getting pink roses like I did on our third date and a box of Vegan chocolates and maybe a romantic letter. What other good Ideas can you give me that would make it memorable? Also what are some good places to go aside of the movies since we saw The Vow on our third date?What would be a great gift to get her on Valentines day?
write her a song on the piano

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